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The news is delivered with a punch to the gut.

Thanks to Cr0okedGlasses (Jentzen) for the cameo!



Jasmine Cote

uuwahh good luck jentzen...


With the tone the comic is going recently. Im afraid he gonna be banished

Patrick Horton

I can hear the melancholic music playing right now. Also, he basically called her and the Council hypocrites to her face.


Yep, things are not looking good for Jentzen. And his anger towards the council will only make it worse for him. I hate to say it, but he's gonna be banished, and there's nothing the Council could do to change it.

Mr. Walker

Yeah. . . People join the system to try and change it. But the system changes (or at least shackles) them instead. Tale as old as bureaucracy. Council really needs to read some anarchist literature.

Mr. Walker

They could give his fur a dye-job, start calling him "Jackson," and say Jentzen ran away. It's not the worst plan ever.


What if sometime during the trial mrs. calie comes in to try to change her statement.

Mr. Walker

Her original statement is already a matter of record. If she is subjected to intensive questioning, any new story she tries to tell will fall apart.

Mr. Walker

Even if he isn't, the trial alone will likely invite the attention of parliament. Which increases the likelihood that someone "in-the-know" will find out about Tamberlane. Then crap will really hit the fan.

Rattle Rabbit

Seems to me this could be easily solved with one poser rockerboy and a nuke.