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Hey all, I just wanted to give you a quick announcement! After the book is done, I am going to be taking a month-long break from Tamberlane, from Thursday October 5 to Tuesday, October 31.

I’ve been working nonstop on finishing the book and Kickstarter duties, and I really need to take a full, actual break as I simply do not have the extra energy to spare to arrange and coordinate comic stuff. Next week's Tamberlane will go live as normal and will return on November 1st.

For transparency, here’s what this break will entail:

The first week is going to be a hell week of pain for me, so it does not technically count as a “break” per se. The following week I will be doing a sculpting class with my mom and getting back to my many medical appointments.

Then I'm taking a week to actually do nothing, rest up, and recharge so I can get back to it in November. Sometime during all that, I will probably still be doing some Tamberlane work here and there; I miss it terribly and nothing would make me happier than getting to work on pages again. But there are no guarantees, so I want to set expectations! As always, any new pages will be posted to the $10 tier on Patreon while on break.

The truth of it is that Ari and I have wrung ourselves out to the dregs getting these books out the door, but they're gonna be sooooo amazing and well worth it. He's been pulling multiple all-nighters, and I've been working 12-hour days this week.  In addition, the edits to the comic are complete and once I've rested and recovered, I'll start making plans to update the website with the new and improved version of Tamberlane. We’ll also be holding a stream party and read along on Twitch when the updated pages go live, so keep an eye out for that.

Thank you all so much for your patience and your repeated requests that I take care of myself. I’m already super eager to get back to the comic -- I just need to make sure I’m fresh and rested!



Patrick Kingsley

Please, please, PLEASE get some good rest and take good care, both of you! You've definitely earned a long break.

Mike Gorlewski

Good lord, get some rest man!