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August Newsletter

I have a LOT of updates to share with you, so let’s dive right in!

Art Fight

I participated in Art Fight last month and had an amazing time drawing for folks! Thanks to everyone who drew for me too, it was really fun! You can see all of my “attacks” on my Art Fight account here.

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I plan on doing a few more attacks after the Kickstarter book madness has passed. I’ll keep you apprised!

New Art

Aside from Art Fight, I’ve been quite busy on the art front in general. Attached to this post is a birthday gift for my mom, a drawing of one of the art dolls she made named Maud Marvel, the aged but agile avenger.

Also included is a badge for my friend Peek, (who is the very same Peek as the one in Tamberlane), a Patreon commission for Scott, and a Patreon commission for Whyaylooh!

Kickstarter Status

We just dropped a huge update on the Kickstarter with some extremely exciting news! You can read it here! Or you can get the highlights here:

As it turns out, due to wanting to really make everything the best it can be, we've wound up taking a *lot* more time than we initially budgeted for. (Kickstarters. Amirite?) We spent all last month completing final edits and creating supplemental bonus content, such as Q&A illustrations as well as the Trissol dictionary.

In addition to the brand new Q&A questions we've illustrated, we also went back and edited/redrew the original Q&A's from Chapter 1, like this one:

Here’s Tamberlane signing “Abroad” and “family”

I also drew a handful of headshots to use for the annotations in the Omnibus. Here's an idea of what a page of annotations looks like:

I mentioned we're wanting to make this book the best it can be, and we've been making a (hopefully) final QA pass on all of the pages. I'm absolutely thrilled as we've been doing everything from smoothing out speech bubbles to tightening up characterization…

...to bringing dialogue in line with current lore!

However, as a result it’s taking a lot longer than I expected, meaning that books will likely not arrive until November. I promise it will be worth it though, we’re taking a lot of care and pride in delivering you the best possible product, so we appreciate your understanding!

Important Kickstarter News

The long and short of the news is we have a new printer we’re working with that will allow us to do large runs of the Omnibus and Chapter 4, and reprints of Chapters 1-3! That’s another reason why the delivery date is delayed. But as a result, we’re able to put more money into the quality of the books and pay out some bonuses to the team.

For more information about our new printer, see the Kickstarter post!

We’ve also just closed our Backerkit shop! Even though it turned out we didn’t need to hit $95k to do reprints, the extra funds will definitely help us out. Thanks so much to everyone who grabbed something and helped us reach our goal!

Thank you everyone for taking the time to read all of that! Have a great month!


Patrick Kingsley

So much good stuff here. Looking forward to getting my hands on these books in November-ish, and loved my Patreon commish, of course. But MAUD MARVEL! She needs to be a thing. 🦸‍♀️