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It's a damn shame. 



River 'Neon Noble' Nicolosi

Maybe we'll get to meet Cilantro another time! Hang in there, Tamberlane! >:

D. Stuart

Poor Tam. So frustrated. Penny's cute on all fours, but Marie looks like her ears are going to recess into her skull. Parsley's gotta keep trying, see if they can go simple, find some common words. Or this starts a quest for Cilantro...:)

Dorian Inman

Isn't that the sign for help? (I am soooo out of practice. ;n; ) The language barrier is going to be interesting. Especially when Belfry gets to learn how to speak with her kit. :)

Riccardo Broccoletti

Okay, wow, this may actually be the first time I've seen a story with a kid with a language barrier that actually gets explored? Pretty wild stuff. You're going very interesting places with this, Prism, and I am very glad to be supporting you in this.