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At the request of some of you cool folks, I've put together all of the patreon rewards -- all the SFW ones, anyway -- that I did today! If you guys like this, I'll try to do it every month.

These are the sketch commissions that all $50 and $100 patrons get each month; all rewards are completed the month after their funding (which is why these are February's rewards, not March's! March's will be covered in April).




Timmo Warner

Piper and Envelove are my favourites, here!

Alexander D'Archangel (edited)

Comment edits

2022-11-18 12:12:53 先輩嫁JK最高ですね!!😍 、さん、ありがとうございます!
2017-03-22 01:27:08 The Lapis/Jasper one makes me smile.

The Lapis/Jasper one makes me smile.

Patrick Kingsley

All of these are so full of fun energy! (That Piper one particularly cracks me up!) Keep coming back to the floral-crowned dancer, though. Sooo very pretty! :D