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Huzzah!! I'm done with Covid!! Unfortunately it has also kicked up a fibro flare (chronic pain and fatigue). :'D I'm going to extend the hiatus to make sure I have ample time to rest, get the buffer back up (it's motoring! Eight pages in the pipeline right now!), and resume work on the Kickstarter books! Right now, to play it safe, I'm gonna put the return date at **July 26th**, and as long as nothing catastrophic happens (knock on wood), we'll be back in full force then! Thanks for your patience; don't get covid, kids!



Carl G Knoblock

Even Tam knows that it's dangerous for Bel to have a knife.


Even though I know I shouldn't, I really want to photoshop this and replace the knife with all sorts of other things. :P


It’s so perfect too