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After wrapping up a successful Kickstarter campaign (thank you, everyone!) and trying to get caught up on All The Things, I have unfortunately come down with COVID. At first, I thought it was just a particularly nasty cold, and since I was already in a fibro flare-up that kept me from working most of last week, I attributed some of it to that. That said, my body is officially forcing me to sit down and wait this out for real.

I am putting the comic on a 3-week break to rest, recover, and get caught up. Tamberlane will return July 5th.

But never fear! There will still be content in the meantime in terms of art, and comic pages will still be coming out to $10+ patrons as they’re completed during this time period.

Thank you to everyone for your understanding, and I look forward to resuming everything once I’ve recovered.

As a reminder, if you missed out on the Kickstarter, you can still preorder books and other exclusive merch through Backerkit, which will be fulfilled when Kickstarter rewards go out. My team will be posting periodic reminders, but be sure to check it out.

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I wish you a good recovery too! Get well soon!

Theo Thompson

Take a break you earned it good recovery too! Get well soon!