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My friends!! We've hit the next goal! What the hecky-heck!? You guys are amazing!!

I know I haven't quite delivered on the video yet; I intended to do it this month but I've been sick as balls! But I'll be done with the antibiotics on Thursday, which will hopefully get me feeling better. It's on my radar, I promise.

So, as a result of hitting $800/month (!!!), I'll start up a cast page! Each month, a new cast member will be added with some bio information, some tidbits not available in the main comic, and a 100-word story about them. And you guys get to vote on who gets added each month!

Without further ado, here's a poll for that: http://www.strawpoll.me/12017104/r

$25-$100 folks: Don't forget to fill out your commission-related surveys! You can get to them by going to the front page of my Patreon, scrolling down in the description, and clicking the "Already a $___ Patron? Click here to see your rewards!" link.

$100 folks, I will arrange for movie night soon! 

Postcards will be sent out soon!

Basically I'm in a bit of a holding pattern until I feel better, haha. 

If any of you are going to Further Confusion in San Jose this month, I'll be there! I'm going to have some way less fancy, non-deluxe Tamberlane books at the My Dreamy Star table (just has the comic in it, nothing else) as well as some other cute stuff. Come say hi! 

Anyway... thanks for making all this possible. Thank you thank you~!


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