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It's my birthday today!!! My husband is going to take me out tomorrow to  the big lights display downtown and push me around! I'm so, so excited  for it. He loves to push me around places, since we don't have to worry  about me tiring out, we can chat, and he can lean down to kiss me like  this UwU

I realized I have never once drawn myself with my  wheelchair. I don't need to use it very often (which is part of why I  have a push wheelchair and not a self-propelling one; the other part is I  got this one for free and have not taken the time to turn in my  wheelchair prescription). But it's very useful for when I need to be up  and about for extended periods. Like for wandering downtown and looking  at lights!

I hope y'all are having a good December! I don't have any holiday sales this year BUT we did get the illustrated short story  Tales from Treehollows up on the shop!





Wow! It's so nice to know that it's your birthday today! Please accept my congratulations and I wish you a wonderful celebration!


Happy birthday