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A little bit of art I made for myself!

I spent some time this morning writing up my experiences with the doctor stuff so far so you can peek in on what it's like to be given hallucinogens for  medical treatment. To summarize how things are for me right now: the  treatments are working! There are aspects of my fibro that are greatly  improved! This has so far been a HUGE success. But I have also been  spending most of my time just getting through doctor appointments, so  work on Tamberlane has still been slow. (Plus, both my co-writer and my  inker have been dealing with very difficult family emergencies, oof).

There  is a *possibility* I will have to extend the hiatus further, if only  because the appointments are going to be lasting longer than I  anticipated. But the bulk of the RUSHRUSHRUSH through appointments  should be done this week, so I'm going to evaluate how I feel after I  get a breather.

Thanks for your patience; this has been literally  life-changing for me, and I think it will help me tons for a long time  to come. I'm jazzed to come back and tell Tamberlane's story ... as soon  as I'm done incubating. <3




I'm so happy that these treatments are working for you! Hopefully the appointments will slow down a bit and it be more of a maintenance thing.


This is really beautiful.