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Hey all! Sorry to extend it, but it's better to do it now than spring it  on you at the end of the expected period of waiting. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I wrote a little bit about what's going on with me on the Patreon newsletter this month but long story short, I've got fibromyalgia which means I have  unexplained pain all over my whole body, plus fatigue (think like having  the flu) and brain fog. Usually I have time where my symptoms aren't as  severe but I've been in a flare for months -- especially brain fog. I'm  doing an experimental treatment with a research institute to help reset  my nervous system. Knock on wood, but the first dose has already been  amazingly helpful. I'm gonna be focusing this month more on healing than  working, but I still managed to knock out a few pages into the buffer.  Yay??

Anyway, if you want to keep tabs on how many pages are in  the buffer, aside from pledging to the $10 tier on Patreon, you can also  check out this page https://airtable.com/shrktI1qUXj5rov1I

Have a good one y'all!!




I really worry about you and your health and hope for your speedy recovery... I have no doubt that you can handle this easily! Best regards!


Yes, fibromyalgia is a serious thing. I really can imagine how hard it must be for you to constantly feel terrible pain in your body. Get well!