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Hey y'all! It's been a lil bit since I've been able to sit down and write one of these! Big apologies for that.


The reason I've been pretty quiet and my work has slowed down lately is my health has been pretty rocky. Lots of extended pain flares, and when those die down, I've been in really bad fatigue and brainfog. I have been doing my best to work on what I need to work on, but most days, Meta will ask me what I want to do, and I just can't even remember anything that needs to be done. Even with a list in front of me, connecting the dots takes an embarrassingly long time. As you can imagine, that makes directing a team very hard.

There's some good news on that front: I have officially been scheduled to start an experimental therapy (doctor-administered ketamine IV treatment) that has a fairly good track record for chronic pain (it resets your nervous system). Over the next month I'll be getting one dose a week, and we'll see how things go from there. 

On the upside, this is very promising! I've heard amazing things, and very few bad stories (mostly to do with shitty providers, or just not responding to the meds at all) from folks with Fibro who have undergone the treatment. By all counts, it should at least reduce my symptoms -- but I'm not gonna hold my breath until I see results, haha. 

The downside is I have no idea what my state of mind or health or ability is going to be like this month. It should be fine, but if I know anything about my body it's that it does not play well with expectations.

Long story short, once we approach November 23rd, I'm going to reassess how we're doing with the buffer (etc) and possibly prolong the hiatus. I know some folks (not on this Patreon, I don't think) are upset that I had to put it on a break -- I hate it too! But my health comes first, unfortunately.

If nothing changes, I am prepared to make some alterations to my duties with Patreon. I'm struggling with a lot of stuff, and I may need to do some very minor cutbacks. But we'll see how things shake out after this. Everything's up in the air!

The Kickstarter

In between everything else, I've been chipping away at the Kickstarter for next April. Very, very slowly, lmao. But it is nearing the point where we can set it to allow people to sign up to be notified when it goes live. Soon...Maybe....... who knows, haha

Treehollow Talks

Over the last two months, Meta and I started a thing where every-ish Thursday, we stream on Twitch and talk about putting stories together. He plays a game (right now it's Cult of the Lamb) and I do drawing raffles for the crowd while we discuss topics of story creation, worldbuilding, narrative, etc.

These are kind of a nice diversion from work because I can just shoot the shit with my friend about stories and hang out with the audience and have fun conversations.

You can watch our previous ones on YouTube!

And Now, A Message

I'm sorry I haven't had a lot to offer you guys this last month -- but I hope you've enjoyed things like the TfTs. I really, really appreciate you guys, and I understand that it can be frustrating to support someone and wait forever for your perks. I see you -- and I totally understand. That you stick around and are so patient is truly a blessing, and I really, really appreciate it.

I hope as we go into the holiday season that you guys take care of each other and yourselves, and that everything is bright and lovely for you.

Have a lovely day!!



I hope the treatment works out well. Stay safe!

pj wolf

Got linked here from the comic and may I say: Your health DOES come first. Because if you are incapacitated, you can't create. And as someone who is a bit creative myself, I can relate as to how frustrating it can be to push back a project like this because your body refuses to cooperate with you. I hope the new treatment works out for you!