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So, uh ... HI! How's it going, everyone? The last few days have been kinda crazy, in the best possible way. I scrambled to get all the Kickstarter graphics ready so I could launch on November 1st, only to find out that I'm considered one of their "trusted" kickstarter folks so I could literally just launch any time. So ...... I did.

I honestly did not expect to have this many people so interested. I thought I'd probably hit goal at least after a few days (because the goal is so small), but that it'd probably stay at goal for the rest of the month. And uh ... here we are approaching 3x the goal at just over 24 hours later.

So...thank you. Thank you guys for your support, for loving this dumb comic so I can keep putting it out as fast as I can. I would be making it even if no one liked it, but the fact that so many people seem interested in my idea just... It makes it better, easier, and way more fun to make. So thank you, thank you.

And just in case, here's the link to the kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cvilbrandt/tamberlane-chapter-1-comic-print-run As always, if you can't contribute, that's TOTALLY FINE. But I sure do love folks spreading the word ;u;

The End of the Month is Nigh!

That means rewards are going to get worked on soon! If you're a new donator, please be sure you check the post for your donation level for your various rewards and surveys to fill out.

As always, $50 folks, if you have something you want done specifically, fill out the survey; otherwise I'll do your default character choice! And if you haven't filled out the survey for default character choice, I do artist's choice instead B)

PLEASE NOTE: I may be limiting the amount of telegram stickers I do this month, since I'm still working on managing my newly diagnosed arthritis. I'll probably be determining that on a case-by-case basis when I'm actually working on rewards early next month.



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