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Hello, all! I haven't done a progress update in a while (or...possibly ever?) and I think it's a good idea to keep you all apprised of what's going on behind the scenes in Pixel Prism Land.

Tamberlane News

All of the pages in Chapter 1 were completed at the end of September, and all $10+ patrons who joined the secret twitter have had access to the full chapter. Speaking of -- Chapter 1 was previously called Chapter 0, but after lengthy discussion with some of my writer friends, we decided it was really not a prologue at all. And thus, thankfully to be less confusing in the future, it is now Chapter 1.

I'm aiming to also do a small kickstarter to fund a short print run of Chapter 1 to have available for conventions and in the My Dreamy Star store! It should go live November 1st. Keep an eye out! I'll make a post or two here throughout the campaign. 

The kickstarted version will involve concept art, a 7page collaboration comic between Christina "LeekFish" Cornford and I, and some characters answering Q&A. If you have any questions to ask the characters, ask in the comments below! 

There will also be a few minor edits to art and words to make the comic the best it can possibly be. After the kickstarter is over, I will eventually go back and upload those changed pages to the website, but right now this is my priority.

I've finished scripting for Chapter 2 and I'm going to start thumbnailing for that tomorrow! It's very strange to actually start work on this chapter, considering I have probably 5+ previous drafts of the script in various stages of incompletion, and I've been tinkering with it since probably halfway through Ch1. 

This morning I woke up and did my customary brainstorming, only to realize I'd finished the chapter and it was time to start thinking about Ch3. How strange and wonderful!

Did you know there's Tamberlane merch? There are stickers and charms available in the My Dreamy Star store

Non-Tamberlane News

I did a retailer incentive cover for the official My Little Pony comic! If you're interested in picking it up, I will be eventually putting some signed copies up on My Dreamy Star. Limited edition!

In personal news, I've had some health problems crop up so I may be a little slow on some things. But I don't think it'll affect my output too much. We'll see!

I've been considering changing the $1 tier to have comic updates 1 update ahead of time. I always feel it's important that the $1 contributors get at least something substantial for their money: I usually can only contribute at $1 level too, and I know how gratifying it is to have rewards. 

The problems I've run into with that are 

1) I want to make sure the $5 tier is getting enough for the extra money, and 

2) how do I make those update posts work without flooding higher tier donators with emails? e.g. Page 12 goes out to $5 tier because it's 2 weeks out; then the next week it's posted to the $1 tier, which means $5 tier gets another duplicate email/post essentially. For every update. I'm not a fan.

So I'm still figuring out how to implement that. But I'll think of something!

Thank you so much for your support, you guys! I really, REALLY appreciate it. And I hope you appreciate this update post! 




CONGRATULATIONS on the MLP cover! Hopefully you'll be doing interiors very soon. :3 Will have to get the issue when it comes out.

River 'Neon Noble' Nicolosi

Ehehe, I'm SO looking forward to that Kickstarter!!!! And with a collaboration comic included?? SIGN ME UP