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Hey all! It may be of interest to you that my cowriter Ari Noble and I are working on the Kickstarter for Chapter 4 of Tamberlane now that the pages are finished! It should come either late this year or early next year, and we're really trying hard to make this the best Kickstarter yet!

If you'd like to be notified when the Kickstarter launches and also offer your opinions on what should and should not be offered as a part of it, then sign up for the mailing list here! If you have signed up for the list before, don't worry -- you're still on it!

Thank you so much for your support of Tamberlane! You rock!!

PS Is there another avenue you'd rather get your KS news from, besides the email list or Patreon? A telegram broadcast group? Idk hit me up

PPS If you're getting a ton of emails or notifications about this in general, thanks for your patience :'D Gotta hit all the folks who don't know about it!


David Gray

No, no, no, no, no get it away

Wilford B. Wolf

Telegram announce only group would be a good option. At least offer it to people in addition to a mailing list.