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Heyo, Coyote Captains and above, it's a new quarter and that means... SKETCH COMMISSIONS! :D It's time for you to put in your quarterly requests!

As a reminder, if you're at $100 or above, you can choose to have a telegram sticker for your sketch instead, or have a previous sketch colored! 

You can submit your request here! 

You can view the requests in Gallery Format or Kanban/Trello Format. NOTE! I will be spending a lot of time in the next two weeks focusing specifically on catching up on sketch requests. Look forward to it!

You have until the 10th! Get a-goin! For more information, see this post.


  • The Trello board is now completely defunct and the above links to Airtable are correct to check the status of requests!
  • Don't forget to upload your reference images in pcloud! If you have any technical issues please let me know.
  • If you don't remember where your pcloud is, check your Patreon Messages -- that's where I sent you your links!
  • Any feedback on the current system as it stands? Please let me know!


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