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Upcoming Tales from Treehollow Comic: “Just Across the River”

Quick Announcement: I want to preface this with a quick heads up that while this comic is still planned to publish, it will be delayed due to the artist recently experiencing some unforeseen health issues that put her in the ICU for a couple of days (oh no!). She’s currently resting and will be back on it as soon as she’s able. We all thank you for your patience. Get well soon, Minty!

This quarter’s 5-page Tales from Treehollow bonus comic is “Just Across the River” drawn by the amazing Minty “Starshinebeast” Messerly!

When a new family moves into Treehollow, little Teresa makes a new friend with the little deer boy Walter. Who needs a common language when you can have friends?

The cutoff to qualify to receive this comic is June 15th. Make sure you’re pledging at least $5 before then to receive it as soon as it’s ready!

About Tales from Treehollow

Can't get enough of Tamberlane? Tales from Treehollow are bonus short stories and comics that expand upon the world, lore, and canon of Tamberlane! Patrons $5 and above receive monthly illustrated short stories and quarterly 5-page comics written by myself and Ari “MetaJoker” Noble as well as the occasional guest author, and illustrated by our talented community of guest artists! Each comic and story is released via private message as a PDF download.

To receive this comic, make sure you’re pledging at least $5 or above here on Patreon before June 15th to be added to the list to receive "Just Across the River" the second it publishes later this month!

Missed out on previous Tales from Treehollow?

Get previous Tales from Treehollow here



William Kennard

Daww this looks sooo adorable! Can't wait to read it!