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Hey all! I know it's June now but here's May's newsletter!


I spent the month largely prepping for the charity stream for Jonas, which I will get to shortly! And since my flares key partly to stress, I was in flare for pretty much the whole month. I was SUPER glad to have the big buffer I had because being able to set Tamberlane largely aside has been soooo helpful. But I'm glad to be getting back to it -- I missed it!

I'm recovering now from the flare! Should be okay for a bit I hope??? Who knows, though. Fibro does what Fibro does.

That said, my awesome doctor is retiring in July so... soon I'll be hunting down a new doc who will work with me. Not excited about that!


CW: Child illness, death

Thank you all so much for the help you've given Anastasia and her family over the previous charity streams. Anastasia passed a couple of weeks ago, quickly and painlessly. She fought very hard for a long time, and the family is grateful her suffering is over. 

Due to your help, they were able to afford more months of medication and draw out the time they had with her. Her original prognosis was a year or less, but she fought through to about a year and a half, which is incredible. We gave the Hazells some much needed financial relief, and also a reminder of the good in the world and in peoples' hearts, which is also vital.

So thank you so much!! Thank you so, so much.

As for me, don't worry about me! I did my grieving a while ago. I knew it was coming and I'm doing fine, and I have the support and comfort I need. <3

Sales from the Little Cherry Blossom collection will continue to go to the Hazells to help buoy their financials in the wake of caring for a terminally ill child, and I plan to do at least one more charity stream for them sometime in the (far) future.

You can keep up with the Hazells here. 

They're starting a charity in Anastasia's name to help other folks with extra needs. Read more here. 

Jonas Underwater stream

As you probably saw, at the end of May we ran a charity stream for Jonas, my dear friend and an artist on the previous charity streams. Since this made the third charity stream I'd organized, I really tried to organize everything this time in a way that can be used for the future. I ........ kind of managed? ssssort of?

But it also means I really cranked up the duties on my plate for the month! I was at a low-grade stress most of the month just trying to keep up.

The good news is: it paid off! The stream was a fabulous success and you guys are incredible for your help. Thank you SO much!!

The better news is we've decided we want to do charity streams as a more regularly scheduled thing and we're currently taking a step back to figure out how that will take shape, and the best ways to do it. 

For now, there will be no more streams until we've really hammered out the ephemerals into something solid. And ALSO making sure that it will not slaughter me every time we do a charity stream. Very important. We have a good team full of good heads!


Had a few meetings with Ari over the month, and Chapter 6 is now fairly planned out scene-by-scene. We're still taking a few more passes on it and making sure there's nothing else there that needs to be seeded into Chapter 5, but it's pretty solid!! I'm very excited >8) 

Looking at other projects versus how hard it is to write this one, I can see that Tamberlane is an incredibly complex beast. (It may not seem like it yet, but just wait...) We have a list of 30+ characters to go through every time we compose a chapter, figuring out whose arc is where doing what. Tamberlane has always been my learning project, and in many ways it shows -- but it's been great anyway! And whatever we work on next is going to be soooo good for all the things we've learned on this one.

I ALSO might have maybe jumped the gun and hired on Jonas to ink Tamberlane in the future. It stretches my budget to its limit, so I'm really hoping this will help increase the pace so more pages can come out and I can entice more Patreon pledges. But I think only good things can come of this!

He hasn't started yet, as I'm still getting all of the backend architecture set up and helping onboard him. But big welcome to him and I can't wait to see how this helps the flow of things!


So, if you're in a postcard tier and have noticed that there haven't been any for a while ... you're not imagining things! I've fallen dreadfully behind on them, and I plan on sending them out again soon.

I think to relieve the pressure on me, I'm gonna stop having the little "this is the state of things right now" part of the message on the back, because that's the hardest for me to do. Y'all are gonna get just bad jokes. ouo;; Hope you enjoy!! And thanks for your patience -- not to worry, all previous missing postcards will still be sent out! So expect a bundle of em in your mailbox soon haha.

Social Media

One of the boons of working on the charity stream is that one of my dear friends and flatters, Elle, has discovered her love and knack for social media managing! She came to me with a whole plan for the Tamberlane twitter, so I've hired her on and she's in charge of engagement, as well as running #FanartFridays! 

Which means if you ever have any fanart, feel free to send it to tamberfan@gmail.com and you'll be featured on the twitter! :D Must be PG and you should include your twitter handle if you've got one, or a link to your gallery!

Kickstarter Prep

Been working on prep for the Kickstarter for Chapter 4 that we're gonna run late in the year!


Posts That Went Live in May



Tales from Treehollow


New, Upgrading, & Returning Patrons

Hey thank you and welcome to all new, upgrading, and returning patrons! Welcome to Andreas, Seabreeze, Garret, Mikey, David, Birch, Eliza, DragonflyStew, Spooklydgo, ASnep, Jace, and Metal! Thank you so much for upgrading, Tuxedoed, Rick, Lonely Sand Person, and Tidal!

I look forward to getting back into the swing of things. Can't wait to get you more pages in the buffer, as well as get back on the Patron sketches and everything. 



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