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Hello all! April is ending which means it's time for me to ramble about what happened this month!



As always, my health is a big factor in how I do month-to-month. Over the last couple of months I've been dipping in and out of flares (for those new here, I have fibromyalgia, and a flare means I'm more fatigued, foggy, and in pain than usual). 

Early in April, I dared to go out to a restaurant and proceeded to be sick for two weeks, despite the precautions I took. (Not covid, just a cold -- which, for me, generally means I'm absolutely on my ass for WAY too long.) 

So April was a bit rough on that front, and I'm a little behind on everything. Lately, I've been in a cycle of worse-than-usual sleep, too, so I'm kind of a zombie! But I'm doing my best.

But on the upside, I have been doing exceedingly well mentally -- I have "graduated" therapy until further notice and I am doing super, super well. Medications for my various physical ailments are falling slowly into place. Things are Okay!

The Comic

March saw us hit Page 300, and with it in April came the release of Ari's beautiful song, My Tamberlane! If you haven't already, definitely listen to it here! 

I believe I will be finishing the last page of chapter 4 today and posting it for the $10 folks! Very excited about that. But even more exciting? 

Ari and I have been hammering out chapter 5 for the last few months, and aside from a couple of minor edits, the entire thing is pretty much scripted out. It promises to be 135 pages unless something changes! 

This is the FIRST TIME I've had a whole chapter fully and completely planned out before starting it. It's WILD, and I'm so excited because having it all written like this means production is going to go a LOT faster on my end.

My hope is to be able to pay my team a bit more so we can hit 2x a week updates. It's going to take a while to get there, but that's my aim. Once the patreon hits around $4400/month, I can hire an inker, which will speed production significantly. I'd love to be able to tell this story sooner than the next decade and a half of my life lol!


Another fundraiser is coming down the pipe, this time for Jonas, the patron behind the raccoon that tried to save Tamberlane in the river! No concrete details yet but keep an eye out -- there will be more opportunities to get commissions from me.

(I've been doing drawings in MS Paint with my mouse lately lol)

Books & Fulfillment

Over the last couple of months, some folks have noticed that the physical copies of Tamberlane were no longer in the shop! This is because I can no longer handle fulfilling everyone's orders, so I moved to get those transferred to a new fulfillment partner: White Squirrel. The setup process has just finished, and physical books are now back in the shop!! You can pick em up here. 

Chapter 4 Kickstarter??

Huzzah! Planning is underway for the Chapter 4 Kickstarter, which should happen sometime in the second half of the year. Chapter 4 promises to be a CHONKER of a book -- the spine is twice the size of Chapter 3's! No specifics yet -- lots to plan and figure out.

But I can promise it's gonna be amazing!

Unlike this beautiful mspaint thumbnail.

Posts That Went Live in April


Patron Rewards

Early Pages

Regular Page Updates

Tales from Treehollow

Welcome New and Upgrading Patrons!

Hey, there's been a bit of an influx of new patrons this month -- thank you guys SO MUCH for your support! Welcome to X, Sam, Raine, Jay, Mara, Tidalbelt, CrowWingedAngel, Samuel, Donavan, Micah, ForumFox, and Nicola

In addition, there have been a couple of patrons who upgraded this month -- thank YOU as well! Thank you, Crona and RandomGamer!

That's it for this month. I hope you enjoyed it -- and I hope you're looking forward to all the stuff in the works!!



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