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April’s Tales from Treehollow is going to be something fun and a little bit different: a Tamberlane cast Q&A! Find out what makes your favorite Tamberlane characters tick with 10 in-character responses to fan questions illustrated by both myself and IzzySqueakzy!

This is something new we’ve not done before for Tales from Treehollow, and I’m really excited to share it with you. Make sure you’re pledging at least $5 or more here on Patreon before April 25 to receive this bonus content!

Soft Paws: Delayed

No, you’re not imagining it, April’s Tales from Treehollow was supposed to be a short story called Soft Paws, but after reviewing the story I and my team realized it still needs a lot more work to match my original vision, so I’m temporarily replacing it with this fun alternative for this month’s Tales from Treehollow release. Soft Paws will still happen, just later on!

Not A Patron Yet? Get Early Access to Tamberlane Pages

Supporters of this Patreon get early access to all comic pages before they make their public debut! Pledging at higher tiers also unlocks even MORE pages in the comic’s backlog, as well as bonus Tales from Treehollow comics and stories! If you’re not already a patron and have been enjoying the story so far, consider supporting the comic by pledging today!




Wow, that’s Parsley’s mom? If she’s been in the comic, my memory is failing me; I may have to reread it from the beginning.

Patrick Kingsley

Yup, though just briefly. She was on page 7, and again on page 228. (And also in the Tales from Treehollow short, "Timmothy's Folly".)