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  • Have you ever wondered what Belfry's favorite hobby is?
  • Do you have a burning need to know more about Anthony's past?
  • Why IS Oakewood so grumpy??  

We are looking to put together a Cast Q&A session for April's TfT!  If you have questions you'd like to ask the characters of Tamberlane and have them answer you in-character, we'd love to hear em!!

Please drop your questions here in comment form, or on the thread I've made in #oakewoods-corner on Discord! Make sure to tell me whom you're directing your question to. Depending on response, not all questions will get picked -- we can only draw so much!  

Questions About Asking Questions: 

Q. Wasn't a TfT for April called "Soft Paws" mentioned in a recent email?
A. Yes! There are a lot of structural issues with that story and I do not have the time or spoons to work them out, so we're taking the opportunity to get a little ahead and do something fun and different for this TfT.   

Q. Will you draw all the pictures?
A. I'll draw some of them! I plan to still hire Izzy to sketch some of them as well so we can split the load and get more drawn for ya. Plus, I like supporting other artists!  

Q. Can I ask a general question, like what Abroad is?
A. You can, but we won't pick it!  

Q. How many questions can I ask?
A. As many as you want! But we probably won't pick all of them!


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