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"Little Cherry Blossom" is a very special design created to benefit Anastasia, the real-life inspiration for the character Tamberlane, who is sick with a terminal disease and requires help for her care. You can read about Anastasia and her story here on this page. (cw: child illness, death).

This design features a silver doe, Anastasia’s favorite animal, frolicking among sakura (cherry) blossoms. It’s inspired by beautiful words shared by Anastasia’s mom, Alex, about the Japanese concept of “mono no aware”, which refers to the exquisite beauty of the transitory. Cherry blossoms are the most beautiful when they’re falling, and it’s a reminder for us to love the beauty while it’s here all the more.

All proceeds from sales of shirts, hoodies, mugs, and stickers featuring this design will be donated directly to Anastasia and her family to help cover medical expenses and make sure she’s comfortable.

You can shop the “Little Cherry Blossom” collection here in the Tamberlane Shop:


If you’d like to help directly, please visit her family’s GoFundMe page here. Thank you so much!




<p style="color: #008600;">Such a beautiful design! Doe and cherry blossoms... how beautifully they combine... We wish Anastasia the best health!</p>