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Hi friends!!

I'm going to be doing all outstanding sketch requests on Monday. I'm sorry I've been so far behind on 'em -- I've been basically sucked into the black hole of comic making, haha. 

Please send your requests to artist@cvilbrandt.com with the subject line "$50 Sketch Requests" 

You can have max 2 characters, NSFW okay.

I have some of your requests from April/May, but may need a refresher; and some of you folks haven't gotten back to me! If I haven't gotten anything before Monday, I will probably be skipping your requests altogether due to time constraints.

Also, heads up: either Tuesday or Monday (if I finish requests with steam to spare) I'm going to be doing a sketch commission stream to try to fund a new kindle paperwhite & case. My last one was left on the plane and they haven't found it :( I miss reading!! So if you're interested, drop your request in an email; it's $35/sketch, max 2 characters, NSFW okay.

Anyway. Looking forward to knocking this out for ya!


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