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It is a new month AND a new quarter!!! That can only mean...

Sketch Commissions!!!!

Coyote Captains and above, it's time for you to put in your quarterly requests! As a reminder, if you're a Possum or an Abroad Resident, you can choose to have a telegram sticker for your sketch instead, or have a previous sketch colored!

You can submit your request here: https://forms.gle/Zr61jPrNw2ArJH28A

You can view the requests here:
Gallery Format
Trello Format 

You can view old completed requests on the now-closed Trello.

And as always, you can find links and important information for all rewards on the Index post, here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-reward-41468337 If you're wondering what I do or don't like to draw, or what the guidelines are for sketch requests, all that information is on that post!

Requests close on the 10th so get your requests in now!


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