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Thank you to Chaon (Cur) for your patron cameo! And thank you to Lauren Pierre for flatting this page!




My guess is that V (or whatever the name of the deer that took care of/taught/conditioned tamberlane) probably knows quite a lot about humans. Their using technology to condition Tamberlane, at least. I think they're under the impression that humans are extremely dangerous (maybe the stories about longwalkers really are from actual accounts of creatures running into lone humans?) and was trying to get tamberlane to be as docile as possible? Surely whomever named her is both familar with the history of humanity and its violent tendencies to have named her after one of the most legendary military leaders in history.


General Tamberlane? or which military leader are you referring to?


Timur the Lame. He was called Tamerlane by Edgar Allan Poe. Considering the parallels between Tamberlane and some of Poe's poems(namely, the Devil in the Belfry.), one can pretty safely assume that's where Tamberlane gets her name.


Read thru a bit of Timur the lames Wikipedia entry, so Cur was right on the money when he called her "Tamberlame" now seeing that cliff on the next page and the river below it im wondering if that's going to play in somehow