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Hey all! Another short newsletter for you.

Charity Stream

Last month, I coordinated a charity stream with Ari's help, that involved 8 folks gathering together to entertain, draw commissions, and have fun for the sake my friend's little girl with terminal brain cancer. We managed to raise over £4000 for them over the course of two days (and the time leading up to the stream, too)! This is life-changing for them, especially since there's a slim chance with some potential new treatments that could maybe help her, but they cost over £7000 each. Hopefully they'll be able to give it a shot.

Thank y'all so much again, those who donated, attended, retweeted, showed up, etc. You guys were so much fun! 

Potentially there is a write-up postmortem in the works for the stream, but I can't guarantee right now because...

Knock-On Effects

Coordinating the stream took a lot of time and energy, especially throughout September as I was gearing up and trying to get as much potential done as possible. Because of this, although I took care to power through a lot of things before taking on heavy stream work, there's still a lot of Patreon rewards that are a bit behind and I'm playing catch-up right now.

The good news: the comic buffer is alive and well and constantly growing, or at least keeping pace! So that won't be pausing any time soon. I think we're currently up to December 8th for how far ahead we are of the public, with more pages in the pipeline.

The okay news: I'm revving up again on Patron sketch requests for the $50+ tiers. They should be starting up once more.

The bad news: I am quite behind on postcards, and I am aware of this! I have had so much on my mind, I haven't been able to coordinate this. I may just send you guys jokes instead of updates in the catch-up postcards? We'll see. Either way, even if you've dropped support, you will still receive the postcards you're owed.

Health Update

After the month-and-a-half or so of various illnesses (none of them covid, don't worry) from late July to early September, I have unfortunately been wrestling with other things! As most of y'all know, I have a number of chronic illnesses, and right now I'm trying to find a med that might help at least one of them. 

So far, every med I have tried has really messed with me, and one of the frequent side effects has been my sleep deteriorating. This is either: sleep 8 hours and feel like I've slept 2 (including mild hallucinations and eye strain), or lay in bed with eyes closed for 6 hours and finally do sleep 2 hours. 

Between this and the fibro, which comes with chronic fatigue, I have not exactly been in my top shape, and because of that I've let a lot of communication with y'all slip. Sorry about that! I can't guarantee it will get better any time soon because I'm still trying to find things that work. So I thank you for your patience and support, and I don't blame you if you'd like to drop and come back when I'm more consistent.

Thank you so much to my helpers and hirelings who have maintained so much of my presence while I've been a dead slug, scrawling Tamberlane pages in a stupor.

In Conclusion

Ordinarily this is where I'd list all the posts that went live in October, and thank all the patrons by name who pledged or upgraded or returned. And I would love to do that, but y'all, I am so tired, and my energy is in the trash. So I will just have to say thank you so much and take some more rest. You guys have been great, and I appreciate you tons! 

And, y'all in the $10 tier? You're about to get some serious scream time when the next few pages come out. :3c Just ask the folks who have been watching the Discord streams~

Love y'all. Take care!


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