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Belfry, Belfry no

Finish being responsible before being responsible!!

Page 4 is up, guys! Also, hey, don't forget Tamberlane has an actual website now! http://tamberlane.squarespace.com

I wonder how long it's going to be before I get tired of typing all of that and just buying the domain haha

Currently, I have a buffer clear into September, go me! If I continue producing at this pace, I can up my schedule to 2x a week. However, July is going to be a very tricky month so I need to get past that first.

Also, this will be the last page put up here at the $1 tier, as it's the $5 tier who gets the pages! Think of this as a fun preview. c: And the $10 tier has been getting so many pages. This week they got 3!! pages. 

Still waiting on some feedback from some $50 tier backers; this is a reminder to send me your requests for April, May, and now June if you haven't already! Those of you who did send em in, I'll have em out for you by end of next week. 

Thanks, everyone!!



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