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AND we're back!! Thank you SO much for your patience. This break was  extremely helpful for getting a big bunch of work done and a nice big  buffer so I have lots of lead time to work with when I'm sick.

Want to keep track of what's being worked on? [You can check out the Tamberlane Team's Airtable here,  which has the status of a bunch of pages for ya! This will continue to  be maintained after the break (just like it existed before the break,  but I never thought to share it XD)

ANYWAY, looks like we're  about to get into SPOOKTOWN!!! Piper has a wicked story of haunted  transportation to shock and entertain +_+



Tim Latshaw

"Transportation can't be scary." "Here's data on our INfraSTRUCturrre!" "omg...!"


This barely qualifies for the Ghost Story Society


looks like Anthony has a bit of Phonophobia. that or he's completely exhausted with Piper's Shenanigans^^


It must be exhausting being Piper's sibling.