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Today's comic is written by me and drawn by Leah Briere for the Chapter 3 book. Go check out her comic at LazJones.com  and support her Patreon  for lots more wonderful content!

Tamberlane  is currently on break until I have 10 pages of buffer! Want to keep  track of what's being worked on? You can check out the Tamberlane  Team's Airtable here, which has the status of a bunch of pages for ya! This will continue to  be maintained after the break (just like it existed before the break,  but I never thought to share it XD)

Thanks for your patience! Pledge $5 or more for content in the meantime, and to watch me work on pages during the weekday.




A very warming episode this time, it came in handy for me because it is pretty cool outside my window ...


darn me cutting onions,so beautiful^^