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I know I said Tamberlane would be back today but I LIED! axolawltl will  get their wish: I'm keeping Tamberlane on hold for a bit longer.

Basically,  I'm taking this time to get my buffer up and, well, BUFF. My plan is to  get up to 10 pages in the buffer before I come back. Right now I think  there are 4 pages that are flatted and another 1 page that's inked, and  the rest are scripted. (Taking a page from flats to finished is about  half an hour to an hour of work, so, easy!) That way I'll have a nice  big strong backlog of pages while I keep working ahead. It seems the  main roadblock besides health is painting backgrounds, so that'll give  me lots of time to be able to do that and try and work ahead on those as  well.

ANYWAY. I suspect it'll be back on May 18th, but if I  haven't reached my buffer by then, it'll be longer! But rest assured, I  have some guest content for you.

This isn't *exactly* guest content, since I drew it as a guest artist for Scott of Star Warriors  last month! (It was also written by Ari "Metajoker" Borhanian, new  cowriter for Tamberlane!) Go check out Scott's comic about the  mysterious powers of the universe that grant wishes!

After this, there's a four-page comic called Warmth that Leah Briere did for the Chapter 3 book. I'll post a page a week of that, but if it  looks like I'm coming back, you'll just get extra updates that week to  finish out the comic :D

Anyway, thanks for understanding! If you  want to keep an eye on Tamberlane content in the meantime, I'm pretty  chatty on the Foxglove Comics Discord,  where other comic fans (including Tamberlane fans!) hang out. I also  will be posting finished pages as always to [the $10+ folks on the  Patreon.

And  finally, for the foreseeable future, there's gonna be this little  banner beneath the posts, talking about my friend's daughter and asking  for a few bucks to make her last year as awesome as it can be. Check it  out below. Thanks all!




This comic looks amazing, it's really so great that you have the opportunity to participate in projects like this.


very beautiful,each character showing such strong emotions in each panel,bottom panels are heartwarming^^