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Hey y'all! Due to a big combination of stuff, my fibro is acting up  lately. I've been exhausted, achey, shaky, and brainfogged as heck. I've  been able to keep up alright on Tamberlane pages, but everything else  has kinda fallen by the wayside mostly. So I'm gonna listen to some very  kind folks and take a break!

Tamberlane will be back on May 4th.  In the meantime, Patreon rewards are postponed and I'll be going light  on my various duties and work.

Thanks for understanding! See you soon!




Flares suck! I hope you can get some rest and feel better soon. 🐺❤️

Tyler Crandall

Don't worry about it, get better soon!


Yes, we all need rest too. You definitely need to take care of your health a little! Have a nice break.


rest up and have a great break :-)


I hope you have a good break, please take all the time you need