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What All Happened in February?

Hello, lovelies! Thank you for your patience with the February newsletter, with Vancoufur having thrown a bit of a wrench in my plans! I'm much recovered now and speeding through work once again, and I'm quite happy to report back on everything that happened in the shortest month of the year.


So here's the thing. I live in a state where weed is legal and when I'm having a day where my brain won't shut off, or where the pain is too much to handle, I will take an edible and relax.

Why am I talking about drugs? Weeeelll... It turns out I applied for Vancoufur's dealer den while I was, ahem, under the influence, and I didn't remember at all until I was accepted the following day. WHOOPS.

Still, I had the option to back out of the den, and I thought a bit about whether I wanted to or not. After all, the focus this year has been squarely placed on Making Comics, not merch or presence or any of the other stuff that a con would fall under. Still, I figured it might be fun to try. So after a bit of a scramble, I decided that I did want to give it a shot. 

The con itself was a ton of fun! It took place (so to speak) in a kind of hybrid online hub over Discord, where dealers like me could link and advertise our shops, streams, and commissions, as well as a VRChat world that they put together -- even with booths to visit for each vendor! 

I did some sketch commission streams while on voice with the Foxglove Crew, which you can watch here, and generally just advertised the comic and had a grand ol' time.

You wanna see what my vendor booth looked like as separate graphics? 

A mishmash, that's what. I hope folks who visited my booth got to see my dumb secret messages behind the counter! In VRChat that booth looked like this:

Patreon & Shop Updates

So as it turned out, the hardest part of boothing a virtual con this time around wasn't the con itself. Actually, compared to a normal con, it was downright easy! No, the hard part was the requirements I put on myself before the con.

I wanted to get my Patreon upgraded to the new version I'd been working on over the month, and I wanted to get the shop updated to a better experience.

For the Patreon, it was decided in January that I would be removing the Story-Important Cameos, to make it easier to keep the story flowing and reduce the amount of issues I had with them. And if, by some bizarre miracle, I had an influx of folks from the convention, I wanted to make sure I didn't have an onslaught of new cameos to deal with. It wouldn't be the end of the world, but all things equal, I wanted to get the right expectations up front.

So I spent most of the first week of March getting all that stuff piled away (even though that's not really part of February, whoops). As a result, we have a new comic on the front of the Patreon -- one that hopefully is much easier to spot, and which is much better at explaining the benefits!

(Plus I got to freshen it up with my new fursona, Marmalade, or Adie.) 

Also, FINALLY, I got that comic rewritten slightly and updated on the website as well, placed in between Chapters 3 and 4. Hopefully that's not too intrusive!

As for the shop updates, I was using Baby's First Shopify Theme before, and I really wanted to make it look less like ... well, Baby's First Shopify Shop. I'm a professional, dagnabbit! So I spent quite a lot of time with the Mr. Parker theme,  tweaking and updating it and making it look more like a polished e-commerce experience.

In addition, I did a LOT of graphic design for the shop, like so:

One of the experiences I really wanted for the shop -- and which was a pain in the ass to figure out -- was Shopping by Design instead of just products or themes. So I had to make a new cover image for each different design on the shop, so that it would look good in the thumbnails. Same with Shopping by Products, though -- all my old collection images were cobbled together (if they were there at all) and weren't meant for this image ratio. 

While I was updating everything, I realized I also had a ton of designs which should honestly be put on a bunch more merch -- especially Print On Demand merch like t-shirts and the like, which don't require much out of me. So there's a lot more on the shop than was there previously, and still much much more planned to come out this year. 

So keep an eye out! And heck, be a doll, and enjoy all that hard work I did making the shop look nice? :'D

The Tainted Comic: Delayed

The February Tale from Treehollow got a bit delayed due to Minty's health issues she's been wrestling with. This has been interesting to navigate on my end as a newly minted manager! Do I hold up release of the subsequent comics? Do I continue on the schedule as promised? This is undoubtedly a situation that's going to happen many times as I work with artists, and since I very firmly believe that health comes first, there's just gonna be some delays.

Still, I also don't want to leave you guys hanging, either, so I'm trying to find the balance of keeping you updated and letting Minty have the time she needs. It's been very interesting!

Anyway, I came down on the side of releasing the comics on their normal schedule, such as it is. The schedule has been revised a little bit anyway with the Patreon change, and it's been pretty wonky over February and March just from trying to juggle so much that a lot of the usual lead up and marketing got smooshed. 

It's all a process! And March's, April's, and June's are all currently being worked on by their artists!

(Enjoy a POGGERS peek at April's comic from Scott! Only, y'know, a joke sketch!)

Electrical Issues

Bah, can't have a busy month without something going topsy turvy! My work computer started shorting out randomly, and after determining that it was not the UPS and not the power cord, we ordered a new PSU for it. Which, like a lot of computer parts right now, was a bit backordered. It JUST got here, so we're gonna put it in probably tonight or tomorrow. Fingers crossed it solves the problem?

Sticker Pack

And finally, this month I started making a Telegram sticker pack for my husband and I of our fursonas. This has been the most fun I've had when drawing for myself, and I've been adding to it piecemeal here and there as I've had time, energy, and bodily health.

This is likely going to continue to be fleshed out in my spare time! If you'd like to add these stickers to your own telegram, you can do so here! 

I'm sure folks are wondering if I'll ever be open for telegram (etc) sticker commissions, and outside of the new $1k rewards, it's unlikely. The market price for stickers is just way too low for me to justify the extra burden on my body. Alas! But maybe that will change, who knows?

Anyway, that's it for February! I hope you guys enjoyed the newsletter. See you WAY too soon for the March Newsletter, next!

Posts That Went Live in February


Bonus Comics

Artist's Commentary





Patrons Who Joined, Returned, or Upgraded

Big McLargeHuge Amazing Thanks to everyone who not only joined, but returned or upgraded this month! I hope you guys really enjoyed all the stuff that came out this month! Thank you to Sammie, Michen, Hinoserm, Kurtis, Mystery Face, Michael, Rolo, Demon Dave, Ristef, Nanners, Kvvhaku, Temrin, Connery Cateni (ccateni), and Sunny! You are all AMAZING!!! 



Matthew Bradley

Thought you should know my sister was asking me about the next book last weekend. I know it is still a bit away but thought you would like to know I’m help to get more people into your amazing and adorable heart filled story.


Well, as you can see from your post, you really didn't waste your time, a lot was done and yet ... don't get too carried away with marijuana)