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POLL: What Can I Get Rid Of?

  • $2: Shout out over Twitter/Patreon 42
  • $2: Comics 1 Week Early 0
  • $5: Get Thanked in Books 4
  • $5: Suggest Ideas for Voting 5
  • $5: Ask the Cast 24
  • $5: Working Streams 3
  • $10: All Comics Available 0
  • $10: Behind the Scenes/WIP 4
  • $10: Artist's Commentary 0
  • $15: Vote on Ideas 1
  • $25: Monthly Postcard 0
  • $25: Kickstarter Exclusive Merch 3
  • $25: Commission Discount 3
  • $50: Crowd Cameo 0
  • $50: Quarterly Sketch Commissions 1
  • $50: First Dibs on Commissions 0
  • $100: Special Book Thank Yous 1
  • $100: Important Cameos 3
  • $100: Commission Discount on Steroids 2
  • $100: Color a Previous Sketch 0
  • $250: Permanent Discord Role 1
  • $250: Tainting 3
  • $250: Monthly Colored Sketch Commission 0
  • 2021-01-21
  • 100 votes
{'title': 'POLL: What Can I Get Rid Of?', 'choices': [{'text': '$2: Shout out over Twitter/Patreon', 'votes': 42}, {'text': '$2: Comics 1 Week Early', 'votes': 0}, {'text': '$5: Get Thanked in Books', 'votes': 4}, {'text': '$5: Suggest Ideas for Voting', 'votes': 5}, {'text': '$5: Ask the Cast', 'votes': 24}, {'text': '$5: Working Streams', 'votes': 3}, {'text': '$10: All Comics Available', 'votes': 0}, {'text': '$10: Behind the Scenes/WIP', 'votes': 4}, {'text': "$10: Artist's Commentary", 'votes': 0}, {'text': '$15: Vote on Ideas', 'votes': 1}, {'text': '$25: Monthly Postcard', 'votes': 0}, {'text': '$25: Kickstarter Exclusive Merch', 'votes': 3}, {'text': '$25: Commission Discount', 'votes': 3}, {'text': '$50: Crowd Cameo', 'votes': 0}, {'text': '$50: Quarterly Sketch Commissions', 'votes': 1}, {'text': '$50: First Dibs on Commissions', 'votes': 0}, {'text': '$100: Special Book Thank Yous', 'votes': 1}, {'text': '$100: Important Cameos', 'votes': 3}, {'text': '$100: Commission Discount on Steroids', 'votes': 2}, {'text': '$100: Color a Previous Sketch', 'votes': 0}, {'text': '$250: Permanent Discord Role', 'votes': 1}, {'text': '$250: Tainting', 'votes': 3}, {'text': '$250: Monthly Colored Sketch Commission', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 21, 23, 52, 40, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 100}


Hey guys! I'm looking at a slight retool of the Patreon coming up (mostly minor tweaks; I'll give you a heads up with a summary before it happens so you know what to expect), and as part of that, I'm looking over everything available as rewards. Since y'all want me to cool my heels, I'm looking at what can be cut.

The thing is, I think the format we're at is pretty close to ship-shape, so I'm gonna ask you guys what you'd be fine with losing.

Here's an overview of everything that takes effort from me to maintain or fulfill:

$2 - Fledgling Fox

Personal shout out on Twitter/over Patreon when you pledge
This used to be automated but turns out the Patreon integration with Zapier is broken and procs twice every time it's called. And it has been like this for over a year now, with no fix in sight. So now I do it when I can.

Patreon direct messages has been my latest attempt to make contact, but it's hard to remember who I did it for. >:P

Comic Pages 1 Week Early
I mean, this takes effort but I'm doing it anyway lol. But figured I'd list it here.

$5 - Bat Believer

Get thanked in all books/PDFs while pledging
This takes a little bit of work, but thanks to constantly updating this list every month for bonus comics, it takes probably about an hour out of my month at most.

Suggest Ideas for Merch, Illustrations, and Bonus Comic Ideas
Sometimes I need to pool ideas so I ask you guys, cuz you're cool. But I guess I could also...not?

Ask the Cast!
You can ask the cast questions on the Discord and I'll answer in character for you! I haven't actually had this happen yet, but mostly because I haven't made it clear this is a thing you can do, I think. Sometimes I like to draw out answers for these, and I'm considering doing a cute emotes-based idea like the Mothorial Q&A, but that'll take some time to get things together. Either way, it's a decent amount of work.

Working Steams
I stream just about every weekday on the Foxglove Discord while I do work. This really doesn't take much because it's a quiet stream and I'm working anyway, and I am free to cancel as needed.

$10 - Kitty Cat Cadet

Read the Whole Buffer
I'm behind on the whole buffer, but I've got a plan to get it back up again. Either way, as long as I'm ahead of comics, you guys might as well be able to read them eh?

Behind the Scenes Posts
Sometimes (rarely) I make blog posts about behind the scenes or WIP, showing like... the steps of making a background for example. This takes some extra time: I'm not great at writing blog posts.

Artist's Commentary
On some of the buffer pages, I explain my thought process behind the page. I'd love to do this more but it takes a loooot out of me. But it's still fun to share!

$15 - Raccoon Recruit

Vote on Polls
Someone's gotta help me decide on bonus comics/merch/etc. Might as well be you. c: (Honestly, my expectations of what y'all want is always super wrong, so this is helpful for me lol)

$25 - Skunk Sponsor

Monthly Postcard
These take me a while to write and get art together, and also to get the month's latest Bad Joke for y'all! But they're not too bad. And Marsha sends them for me. c:

Kickstarter Exclusive Merch
When I ran the Ch3 kickstarter, I included a little enamel pin that was exclusive to $50+ patreon backers. I really enjoyed fulfilling these. More than anything, the effort here is making the merch (which is one of many things I usually design during a KS), and spending a chunk of extra money. 

Commission Discount
I rarely open commissions, but when I do, I know they're kinda spendy. I don't keep track of who is eligible for this because it's too much work; instead, if someone tries to use the discount, I'll just double-check em. It's not too bad.

$50 - Coyote Captain

Crowd/Background/Non-Speaking Cameo
This now requires that I work up a flat reference of your character before I hand it off to my flatters for the page. I include this image as part of your reward now. But it does some work to keep track of cameos and how many pages they're owed.

Quarterly Sketch Commissions
Obviously this takes some work, but it's only a couple of days of work out of 3 months. The quarterly rotation has been working very well for me. Ideally I'd like to step it up to every other month soon, but I'm gonna be good and let it be "easy" for a while, haha.

First Dibs on Commissions
This is pretty easy. I just have to remember to announce on my Commissions channel on the Discord when I have commissions open and give y'all a 24h heads up. Honestly, the hardest part here is reining in my impulsiveness in offering commissions, which ... I need to do anyway, lol.

$100 - Possum President

Special Book Thank Yous
Y'all get thanked in a special section separate in each book/pdf. This is super easy to do, but I do have to keep track of it and spend extra time designing the special section. Just a lil tho.

Story-Important Cameos
TBH, I'm gonna be capping these soon. I'm at my limit of what Ari and I can reasonably keep track of XP They take a TON of work, between doing the flats references, figuring out where to put people, making sure everyone gets their due pages and keeping track of how many pages are left... It's a nightmare. A FUN nightmare, don't get me wrong -- I wish I could keep them going indefinitely because I love doing it and I love the challenge. BUUUUT. Alas. I am only human.

Cheaper Commissions Yet
Bumps up the commission discount to 25%. Still the same caveats as before.

Color A Previous Sketch
This takes way more effort than regular sketches, but I know people like it, so I offer it.

$250 - Resident of Abroad

Permanent Resident of Abroad role on Discord
Even if you have to jump down from the Abroad tier, you will have this role permanently. That means you will always be able to access all the Tamberlane Discord channels, even if you have to stop pledging. (Except the Beta Bat channels, which are special access.) This takes a smidgeon of effort to remember to put the role on someone haha.

Taint Your Friends
Grant people a month "free trial" in the Discord by granting the same channel access as Resident of Abroad. This takes a little extra work every month to remember to de-Taint and remind people to tell me who they want to Taint. Ideally we'd have a command for this but eh. Work. lol

Monthly Colored Sketch Commission
These take a decent amount of work, but it's not too bad. 4 is what I can reasonably handle, so 4 is where it's capped.


PLEASE DO ME A FAVOR: Only vote to eliminate rewards that YOU ARE ELIGIBLE FOR.

Remember that you are eligible for your tier and ALL TIERS BELOW YOU.

And it's okay if you don't want to get rid of anything! Like I said, I'm pretty comfortable with how things stand. Just testing the waters.

Thanks folks!!!



I hate to say this, but I think the story-important cameos should probably get capped. You've already get a pretty broad (heh) story going on and continually trying to onboard more Patreon inclusions is a...well, I've had experience trying to cram every fun idea into a single work. It...doesn't really work.


Agreed! That's why I mentioned that was happening XD It'll be nice to have a static pool to work with.