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Hey y'all! Happy Boxing Day! Hope your holidays were as merry as they could be in this weird-ass year.

Just giving you another little peek at January's bonus comic, The Campsite Rule! A young Oakewood romance, where Claude recovers from heartbreak with his friend, Julian!

Have you guys been enjoying the bonus comics? They're a ton of work, but I love doing them. I love getting to pack in all the story and lore for folks that probably won't see the light of day in the main story, and I extra love getting to pay and support other artists and get their work out there! PLUS, it's like TWICE as much Tamberlane, every month for you guys!

For those that don't know, the bonus comics are released every month for folks pledging $5 and up on the Patreon. (For those that do know, sorry that I say it so much -- I still get lots of questions about it, so I'm making sure to say it every chance I get! XD) 

Anyway, if you like the bonus comics, you can get a ~season pass~ to all of them for the whole year! By which I mean, until the end of December, annual subscriptions to the Tamberlane Patreon come with 2 months free! So you can be guaranteed to get the bonus comics all year long with a one-time payment of only $50!

Some Planned Bonus Comics for 2021 (in no particular order):

  • Tainted: After another midnight runaway, the Council wonders what to do about Cur.
  • Marbles: Parsley tries to process his grief when his father passes from illness.
  • The Great Gallywog: Jason returns from the sea with a tale of EPIC PROPORTIONS!
  • (Unnamed): Young Belfry's attempts to make friends 
  • (Unnamed) A turning point in Piper's maturity/growth
  • (Unnamed): Young Belfry having difficulty fitting in with her family 

Okay, that's enough marketing from me today. I hope you guys are having a good time right now, and if you're not, have some snuggles from the Tambercrew.

You guys really, genuinely make my heart all sparkly. The fact that you all enjoy reading my silly little story, that you're invested in a thing that I make, and that many of you have even decided to give me money to continue what I'm doing... I'm amazed. I'm grateful. I get a little teary on a regular basis! 

So thank you. Thank you so, so profoundly much. I hope that I can spread some of the happiness you guys give me. I know this has been a hard year for pretty much everyone. Just know I'm thinking about you guys and sending good healing, loving vibes at you.

Have a good one, y'all! <3



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