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A tale of two creatures.

Well, four creatures.

...Okay, three creatures and a Tamberlane.

First off, thanks to Whyaylooh for donating Trisha for the Patron cameo!

Secondly,  this marks the first page flatted by a third party! Thanks to the  awesome backers on the Tamberlane Patreon, I've been able to make good  on my promise to hire some help. I've taken on Lauren Pierre: https://www.laurenpierre.com, Leah Briere: https://www.leahbriere.com, and Nakata Whittle: https://www.nakatawhittle.com as contracted flatters!

This page was flatted by Lauren. Thanks so much, Lauren!!!




Trisha knows just how to handle Piper. And Piper is such a commanding presence, I didn't see the Belfry-Tam background gag until Trisha called attention to it.


It looks like Trusha is used to this type of situation.

Thomas Rego

I love this page so much for so so many reasons

Carl G Knoblock

That tent problem looks like just what I'd expect from Belfry.


wonder what kind of building it is and who's going to free Belfry from the squirell-bat eating tent?^^ guess I'll find out next page :-)