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The cutoff to receive November’s bonus comic is coming up in just a couple of hours at 12 PM Pacific! Don’t miss out on your last chance to get access to “Heart Questions”, featuring the art of the amazing IzzySqueakzy, artist of the Mothorial webcomic!

Pledge $5+ To Get Your Comic

Character cameos in this month’s comic include Reno (DireTaco), Gunner (GunnyWaffle), and Milo (Darch). I’ll be sending a PDF download of this comic to everyone who pledges before the cutoff, so don’t miss out!

About Bonus Comics

Each month, patrons $5+ get bonus comics that are written by me as part of Tamberlane canon that flesh out the world and lore and feature the work of amazingly talented guest artists. In addition, these comics are an opportunity for patrons to have cameos of their own characters in the world of Tamberlane!

My monthly bonus comics are a fun way for me to add to the world around the main storyline and provide you with an inside look at bonus material as well as have a chance to see your own character appear in the comic. Can’t pledge today? Next month’s bonus comic is being drawn by Jonas, in which we get an all-too-relatable look at Ainsley's struggle with seasonal depression which will have you saying “Oh, it me.” Stay tuned!




Just got a break at work and got my round 'tuit in gear and upgraded :) Cheers!