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Hey, Kitty Cat Cadets and above! How's it going?

With the decision to hire a flat colorist for Tamberlane, I am changing the way I work from flailing page-to-page to working in batches. (So: script 10 pages at once, then thumb those 10 pages, then sketch them, etc.) 

Batch work goes by so much faster because I'm not context switching so much. PLUS, I can hand off a handful of pages to the flatter, instead of frantically hoping they'll turn a page around for me an hour after I provide it.

 This means that $10+ pages won't be coming as frequently as they were before -- but they *will* be much more plentiful when they do come! If you'd like to keep track of where I'm at in Tamberlane pages, I've been using a spreadsheet made by ItsPuddles, modified from one made by Reedicule. I love getting to check the checkboxes and see the numbers tick up, so it's a very easy, up-to-date representation of how far along I am!

I like rainbows.

The highlighted number is my goal for the next 5 weeks. If I can get all those pages done by then, I should have a nice, solid 8-page buffer. Having that nice sturdy buffer will be great for me, and it's a nice small chunk of a goal that will help me get used to batch work again!

If you'd like to keep up with it, check out my spreadsheet here! 

And if you'd like to watch me make the pages, here's your happy reminder that I do daily work streams M-F on the Foxglove Discord, available to all Bat Believers ($5) and above -- that means you! The stream is silent but I'm very chatty in the stream text chat, and it's sooo nice to get to hang out with you folks while I work.

Regardless, thank you so much for your support. I can't believe y'all have gotten me to the point where I can hire some help for the comic! I'm so excited!!!



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