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Hey y'all! This page has been a MOUNTAIN to climb, and as hard as I've been workin' on it, it's going to be a bit late. 

So far I have, learned Blender and made those carts from scratch, studied horse anatomy, painted this background, and have started slotting in the ~16?? characters in the scene. 

Right now, the big reveal panel is one big panel, but there's nearly a third of the page lost to white space so I need to add some more panels instead.

Basically, long story short, I'm going for quality over quantity. But it'll be posted ASAP!

( 'u')-b thanks for your patience, dudes! After this, more pages should come pretty quickly!




Take all the time you need, all your patrons know to wait patiently for updated content of artists

Carl G Knoblock

A page like this is worth waiting for. The Last Supper wasn't painted in a day.


looks like a work of art,guessing this is how the students are getting to Bally Bluffs. can't wait to see it. :-)


Big reveal huh? Just from the presence of horse-drawn carts, I can guess what it might be.