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WHEW. Thanks for the patience. Between the background and the character acting, this page was tougher than I expected. I hope you guys enjoy it!



Thomas Rego

Belfry is such a good mommy <3333

Stoker Bramwell

This page added ten years to my life


This may be the best looking page yet, even though I’m not able to say exactly why. Everybody and everything looks so good.

Matthew Bradley

Belfry really is mom of the year. This is such an adorable page. I love it. 🦇 ❤️.

Matthew Bradley

Are the stores still open because I would love to get one of your Tamberlane books.


She didn't think she could be a mom, but this proves otherwise!😍❤

Elle Pierre

Oh no, my heart... love the warmth coming off of this page!