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So, for those who don't know (probably most of you), I've been kicking around the idea of pitching Tamberlane to agents, just to see if I can. I've had a little bit of interest in it from the last DVPit (a quarterly-ish twitter event where you pitch to agents), but ultimately I have decided not to go forward. 

I read some great advice that your webcomic and passion project should remain your own, and focus on pitching things that are specifically written for marketability/etc. Also, truly, any editor worth their salt would have me redo wide swaths of what's already done on Tamberlane and screw that. This is a flaming log ride screaming down into the oil-slick sulfur oceans of Hell baby B)

SO, this morning my friend Lauren/@boxfulthoughts reminded me that DVPit is coming around again tomorrow and I realized that I wanted to pitch the other graphic novel idea that's been banging around in my head: Wartorn.

I spent today doing up some sketches; tomorrow I want to try some color work for it. Who knows if anything will come of it, but I'm excited to try! No matter what, this story will get made; just a matter of how and when.

Anyway, I hope you guys like these sketches I did today of Oona and Raj, both of whom have been held up as a prophesied Chosen One to end the long-ass war. Only problem is, there's only one Chosen One, so ... which one is it?




I used to have a novel started with the concept of multiple chosen ones, it’s one of the few I’ve considered going back to
