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WHEW. Thank you guys for your patience and encouragement to rest. I really appreciate it. Probably I'm going to go ahead and take next week off from updating and toss up some guest art instead, so I can catch up and make some pages without the pressure. This dang flare has been very frustrating!

Anyway, I had a lot of fun with the expressions on this one! Tam is getting more assertive.



Carl G Knoblock

Sometimes, the only way to learn is by asking questions. Tam has more right to know the answer than most.

Benjamin Buckingham

I 100% agree, Tam has the rights and know what's going on. she probly came from abroad.

Wilford B. Wolf

Love the shots of the trio from Tam POV. And why do I have the feeling that Tam could ask for just about anything and Oakenwood would fold like a house of cards?

D. Stuart

Great page! When Tam trusts the folks she's with, she can be pretty direct! Good for her, standing up for Mummy. (And bad for Oakewood for jumping down Belfry's throat... This whole 'Abroad' thing has more cooties than anything! ) Belfry's answer to Oakewood was quite reasonable, she really isn't comfortable jerking Tam around. Bravo! (Oakewood needs a timeout...:) Stubat

Hades (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 10:42:01 FINALLY CAUGHT UP. Love it all <3
2020-02-29 22:16:51 FINALLY CAUGHT UP. Love it all <3

FINALLY CAUGHT UP. Love it all <3

Thomas Rego (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 10:42:01 Belfry's front face is SO CUUUTE! &lt;3333
2020-03-04 01:34:35 Belfry's front face is SO CUUUTE! <3333

Belfry's front face is SO CUUUTE! <3333