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One of the things I did last week that went into overtime work was this piece for the Mouseflower Zine! They needed a finished piece by Saturday EOD so they can use it for the Kickstarter video. 

The Art of Mouseflower is a zine full of small fantasy critters living their fantasy lives! As quoted from the site:

In a nutshell– Small beasties with big swords and even bigger stories!

The theme was originally adapted from the Redwall series of books by  Brian Jacques, though it expands well beyond the red stone abbey walls! 

Picture a rich fantasy-medieval setting, populated by anthropomorphic  animal characters of all kinds: brave and be-knighted mice standing up  against giant foes, metal smithing badgers, evil rats and cunning  stoats, asps and wildcats, foxes and beer-brewing hedgehogs. It’s a  realm of tall tales and wild adventure, magic and ancient riddles.  Heroes and villains of all shapes and sizes, fighting for good and evil,  swords and shields in paw, with nothing but their courage and their  friends! 

The aim of this artzine is not to reinvent or use existing characters from any specific books or properties, but to imagine new ones that fit the spirit of small beasties with swords!

This is page 4 of my contribution, a 6-page comic called Forever More. It was a challenging page, since it's pretty far out of my wheelhouse, but I think it was successful.

I look forward to showing you guys more! The Kickstarter will be live at the end of February, or so I hear. I'll be sure to post when it is!




I want to read this.


Oh no, I hope it turns out well for these two. Looks fantastic.


Holy moley this is amazing.


Congratulations on setting up a cliffhanger in a one-page preview!

William Kennard

Whoooly smokes this page is good! So much emotion to it

Paul Bibb

Ooooo dark, looks awesome :)


You got your Beastars in my Redwall! X3

Matthew Bradley

This looks like another great anthro webcomic. I am definitely looking forward to checking out this one.