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Hello all! As I said in the previous post, I've cut down a lot of stuff from my rewards to better accommodate my health and abilities.

Quick rundown of the changes:

  • Discord access has been bumped to $3. This is because, due to the flat 30 cent charge for payment processing as well as the percentile processing & patreon fees, I see very little money for $1 pledges -- only about 30% of it. While I don't want to stop the $1 tier entirely (I can usually only pledge to others at that rate!), I do want to encourage new folks to jump to $3 if they can. $1 folks already on the Discord will be grandfathered in.
  • No more As Available rewards. Rather than set expectations for things I cannot manage with any regularity, I've nixed these from the descriptions. Sometimes I will still happily deliver on these things! They'll just be nice surprises instead of obligations.
  • Welcome Packages for $25+ are no longer recipient's choice. It's so much easier if I can just grab a package and ship it out to you, rather than herding folks to fill out forms.
  • The $25+ monthly coupon code now varies. Rather than just a flat 10% every month, there will be new and different deals available. Helps spice things up a bit! All the coupons have been scheduled until the end of the year.
  • There are no more commissions. That's the biggest part of the changes. I just can't keep up. As mentioned before, all outstanding sketches through September WILL be completed, and if you are doing a long-term project through the sketch slots, it will still be finished even if there's not enough months to do it in.
  • The $50+ quarterly packages have changed. Rather than get a box of EVERYTHING I make, which was very cost prohibitive, I plan on designing a pin, a keychain, and a sticker every quarter. You will get one of each, and the following quarter, they will be available on the store. Unfortunately, Printful merch (like t-shirts, mugs, and large prints) are just too cost prohibitive for me to be able to manage sending them for free.
  • $50+ folks get Kickstarter bonuses. If you back one of my Kickstarters, and you are still a $50+ patron when you fill out your survey, you will get a Patron-exclusive special item included in you Kickstarter order.
  • $100+ changes. Unfortunately I never managed to make the welcome sketch work. Sorry, guys. But instead, you get a 25% discount code in the shop, a special thank you section in books, and when I do commissions, you will get first crack at them and a 25% discount to boot.
  • Lifetime Rewards have been cut down slightly and altered. No bonus comics are listed, but when I finish them, you bet I'll update that. I just don't know when I'll even have them available. 
  • Treehollow Society has had some of its bonuses reduced (no patches, for example), and others boosted (higher discount on the store). 
  • I've added a Welcome Form for folks to fill out if they want to be called something else when I thank them on the site or in books.

I think that's everything, though I might have missed it. Please let me know if there's anything you spot that's wrong, confusing, or weird!

I also might have screwed up the Discord integration while I was fixing things. Thanks for your patience!



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