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It was my mom's birthday last week and I wanted to draw her something nice, since I so rarely have the chance to draw anything for my friends and family. Since my family has been recovering (and recovering well!) from their house burning down in the wildfires in Santa Rosa a few years ago, I felt the theme of kintsugi/kintsukuroi was a good one. Kintsugi is the art of mending broken pottery by filling the cracks with gold, thus making a broken thing even more beautiful than before. 

I chose flowers that represent strength, perseverance, and rest: the saguaro blossom, chamomile, and columbine. Extra bonus points for having lived in Arizona for over a decade!

Anyway, I wanted to share this with you guys! I'm going to probably offer it as a print in my shop soon. 



D. Stuart

Wow. Great idea, wonderful results! Thanks for sharing! Stubat