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Hey y'all! I was working on some Tamberlane cast D&D class keychains / pattern / what have you, and here's a preview of the coloring style! Still a WIP.

$10+ folks have probably noticed there haven't been any new buffer pages in the last week and that's because I was trying to focus on this. I had aimed to order some notebooks as part of a group order that was due today. Unfortunately, uhhhh, that did not happen and as I sat there stressed out as heck today I realized I need to set this aside and go back to other important work!

So. These are still a project I want to work on and I'll do so in the background for a bit. For now, there are other things to do.

1. I was accepted as a vendor at GeekGirlCon this year in Seattle! My plan is to tag in and out with Ashley Nichols and some other friends so I don't get too overwhelmed/in pain. 

That means I need to have Chapter 3 printed and available before then! Which aligns with my plan anyway: So my priorities are as follows:

2. The Chapter 3 Kickstarter will go live August 1st. So right now one of my main work priorities is to get Chapter 3 edited and ready for print, including working on the cover and collecting extra content for the back.

3. I gotta get back to making pages for Chapter 4! The next one is all ready for sketches, I just got sidetracked with the D&D stuff. (Basically, the store has been doing well and I'm really excited to put more merch out. Helps keep me sane haha!)

4. Speaking of, big priority this week is to get quarterly merch shipments out! I've said that a few times, but it bears repeating.

5. And finally, as usual, chargin' through Patreon sketches.

I've been having a tough time lately juggling all this stuff as well as some more health stuff on the side (what's new, right?) so I've been slower than I want to be. But eh. I can only do what I can! So I thank you for stickin' with me!

Enjoy the fruits of my freakin labor, y'all! They'll be done ... someday. Soon, I hope.

Anyway. This post was part sharing and part me getting my thoughts in order about my schedule and how to proceed. Tomorrow, I'll focus down the next page and start doing some Patreon sketches every day. At least 1 a day. And then use my chill time to work on the cover because that's what I like to do when I'm zoning out, haha.

Wednesday I'll get the infrastructure done for the quarterly shipments so I can send the first wave Thursday. And then I have therapy that day soooo I'll do some edits to Ch3 that day but I am not gonna count on it.

Anyway. Enough warbling into the void. Thanks y'all. Enjoy the illustrations!



William Kennard

Belfy Sorcerer is <3 also definitly will be looking for the KS ^^

Stoker Bramwell

You take your time with this we completely understand! Can't wait for the Kickstarter!!

Wilford B. Wolf

Of course, Belfry rolls a nat 1 on her spell casting throw