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3/5/21 NOTE: This document is a little bit outdated on  some rewards (namely cameos and lifetime rewards). I am working on an  update to be pushed out by mid-March. Please excuse my mess!


It’s directly because of this Patreon that I've been able to pay rent and bills, and continue to produce the awesome work you’ve come to expect. Your support has also enabled me to go to the doctor as frequently as I need to -- which, as someone who suffers from chronic illness, is more often than most consider normal. Every single dollar means so, so much to me. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart! 

Here are answers to some common questions about this Patreon I’ve received. Don’t see the answer you’re looking for? Check out this patron resources page to see if I’ve answered your question, otherwise feel free to drop me a line! 


Q: What is Patreon?

Patreon is a platform that lets people ("patrons") support the creators and works they love. When you visit a creator's Patreon page, you choose how much you want to give that creator per month. In exchange, you get access to exclusive rewards! For supporting the Tamberlane patreon, you can get access to early comic updates, behind-the-scenes looks, and even your character in the comic! 

Still confused? Read Patreon's help page.

Q: When am I charged?

This patreon is Charge Upfront. That means that upon pledging, you are immediately charged for the current month. All subsequent months will be charged on the 1st, even if the 1st is only a couple of days away from your first charge. Make sure you take this into account when you pledge!

Q: I only have a dollar, but I don't want you to think I'm stingy. Is it really worth it to pledge just one dollar?

Absolutely!!! When I support other patrons, I usually only have a dollar to give, myself. Believe me, I understand the feeling. 

But truly, honestly, from the bottom of my heart, every $1 pledge means the world to me. Those pledges add up fast. If every single reader of Tamberlane pledged a dollar to me every month, I would easily be earning as much monthly as my Senior Engineer husband. 

A couple of $1 pledges buys me a drink to keep me motivated while I draw. Or some new paper or a pencil to make sketches. Or a snack to keep the blood sugar up.

So please, if you're worried about what I'll think about your $1, be comforted: I ADORE your support, in any form it takes. Thank you.

Q: When do I get my rewards?

I do my best to deliver rewards as promptly as I can, but please be aware that I am also battling chronic illness, and as such, have designed my Patreon to make delivering rewards easier on me. 

Monthly postcards (and new welcome postcards) will go out within the first few days of the following month.

Quarterly sketches are delivered throughout the quarter as completed.

Monthly sketches are delivered before the end of the month.

Q: You're late getting to my reward! When can I expect it?

Regrettably, my chronic pain and fatigue problems sometimes mean I can't get to things as quickly as I'd like. When I get a flare-up, I will usually put out an announcement via Patreon and/or on the Discord.

That said, if you are waiting on something that you’re hoping to have by a certain date (perhaps as a gift), email me and I will do my best to accommodate. 

Q: What are my rights as a Patron? I pay you, I get everything, right?

99% of the time, yes. However, this Patreon and its varied rewards are part of a community, and if you break the community rules, you lose access to rewards.

If you do not follow the rules on the Discord, you will be banned from the Discord.

If you have created pornographic content of underage Tamberlane characters, you will be banned from supporting this Patreon and your rewards will not be fulfilled.

If you persistently try to get around the rules, you will be banned from supporting this Patreon and your rewards will not be fulfilled.

If you treat support on this Patreon as transactional (e.g. by supporting for one month and then cancelling, you demand you be treated at the same level as folks who have been supporting for years), I will fulfill your rewards and then block you from supporting again.

If you are rude on a livestream, in the comments, or are otherwise disrespectful to myself or my community, you will be banned from supporting this Patreon and your rewards will not be fulfilled.

All of these situations happen very rarely, but they do happen. 99% of the time, everyone gets on fine and I will deliver everything within my power to thank you for that. When trouble arises you will be notified, and many times I will offer second chances. But the rules are in place for a reason, so pledge in good spirit!

Q: All of these things require me to be a current patron at the time of reward fulfillment, but what if you take too long?

I have to prioritize folks who continue to support me when things are bad, because I only have so much energy to give. If you can no longer afford the tier you pledged at, remember that even pledging at $1 is still considered current patronage. 

Q: How do the comic character cameo rewards work?

It all starts by you submitting your cameo character on Trello after you request to join the Trello Team (get the link to join on the trello master list). 

Every so often I go through the submitted cameos and assign each one a career and a role in Treehollow. Then, as the story progresses, I keep an eye out for where each cameo could fit. Sometimes it takes a while to appear, but rest assured I am always looking for more places to fit cameos! 

For $50 cameos, all cameos are non-speaking roles.

$100+ tier cameos are a little more complicated. Because the character needs to have an up-front role in the story, the planning process is quite a bit more involved. Sometimes it will take a while for them to come up in the comic; sometimes it will take a while for them to play an important role. But they definitely have several pages of “screen time” and are an important driver of the story at that moment.

Patrons with cameos are guaranteed to appear in a minimum of 2 pages as story progresses, as long as they are a current patron when I reach that point. 

Q: Do I have to submit my cameo as soon as I join?

Absolutely not! If you need time to think about what character you want to submit, you are welcome to! Just keep in mind the longer you take to submit it, the less time I have to work it into the story. And don't forget to ACTUALLY submit it when you're ready!

Q: Once I have my cameo in the comic, I won't have any more, right?

Not so! The longer you're pledged to a cameo tier, the more likely you are to come up again. 

In fact, if you've been a patron for a long time, as a thank you for your long-term patronage, I will try to boost your character's overall participation in the story. For $100 tier patrons, this means for every year you pledge, you get an additional 2 pages of speaking time. For $50 patrons, this means you will be elevated to a speaking role or have an important impact on a scene.

That said, if you've only pledged for a single billing cycle, your cameo will be just as short. 

Q: What if I pledge at a cameo tier and then unpledge? Do I still get my cameo?

Yes, however priority is always given to current patrons (even if they've dropped to a lower tier). The length of your patronage will determine how involved your cameo will be, and how hard I'll push to keep you at the forefront.

Q: What are these Lifetime Rewards?

On each anniversary of your pledge, I will mail you special, exclusive rewards! For more information about what those rewards are, see the Patron Resources page!

Support duration must be consecutive to be eligible for lifetime rewards.

You must be a current patron at the time of fulfillment to receive your reward.

Q: And what's the Treehollow Society?

Anyone whose lifetime pledge amount has gone over $1,000 is granted membership to the Treehollow Society: a special club with exclusive rewards! For more information, see the Patron Resources page.

You must be a current patron at the time of fulfillment to receive your reward.

Q: How do I check if I'm eligible for Lifetime Rewards or Treehollow Society?

As a part of the rewards, I keep Tamberlane's front page updated with names and statuses. Unfortunately, other than that, I have no idea how a patron can check their own lifetime pledge amount or duration. As far as I know, only a creator can see that information. However, if you're curious about your own numbers, feel free to ask me, either via email or on the Discord!



can i "vouch" for a cameo with my tier "Sea Otter Sponsor"(25$)? if not, i will try to upgrade to "Coyote Captain" (50$)


Nope! I'm sorry! There's no banking with reward tiers. For a cameo, you'll have to be at 50 or above c: