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Hey guys! I'm trying something new. At the end of every month I want to try to summarize what your patronage has done to improve Tamberlane and its creator - me! I really want to emphasize how much your support means to me.

These last two months have been difficult, as I recover from this surgery and its complications. I haven't been able to create nearly as much as I wish I could. So this newsletter may be a little anemic, but the next will be awesome.

Patreon Refactoring

Over the last month, I've been working with Nicole 'Thornwolf' Dornsife on a reimagining of this Patreon, which will be coming down the pipe this month - possibly in a couple of days. Depends on how much I'll be able to do.

In this new configuration, I can promise that you guys will get more benefits for less stress on my shoulders, and I think you'll all really enjoy what I've got going on. Plus the benefits that you all love the most will be staying on board!

I really, really look forward to being able to give back to you guys with a clear head. More on that soon, I promise!

Blog Posts

One of the things I've been wanting to do for a while is get into writing blog posts about art, comics, writing, and creation. I'm far from an authority on any of these things, but there's a lot I've picked up over the years that I think is worth sharing.

Thanks to your support, and as an extension my excitement to deliver high quality content to you guys, I've been able to start working on exactly that! The first in that series was my On Writing Comics blogs, to which I have a follow-up post planned for next week. A lot of you have asked wonderful questions which I am excited to answer in the future as well. My hope is to write enough of these that I can cobble them together and edit them into a book. And if I do, you guys will be first in the acknowledgements!

You can read the blog posts here:

Merchandise Polls

$5+ folks have been voting on a bunch of polls for me this month as I figure out future merch ideas, blog post topics, and decisions for Tamberlane storytelling. It's been fun noodling around with ideas. 

One day I'd love to write a post about coming up with merch, but believe me, I still have no idea what I'm doing on this front! Still, I think some of these designs will go over well, and I'm excited to produce them.


I wanted to report that after a week of the wound vac, healing is going along VERY nicely! It should only be a couple more weeks before I'm done, optimistically. It's weird, carting this thing around with me and trying not to trip on the tube, haha. (I could coil it up and velcro it into the bag, but that makes it harder to maneuver around. It's a Thing.)

It took an extra week to get the wound vac because insurance was fighting us; and then another extra week to get it installed just due to unfortunate snowy circumstances. And then, I had home nurses coming to change the dressings twice a week until insurance came back and told us they don't cover home nurses. So. Now I go to the wound center 3x a week to get it changed. At least my husband doesn't have to pack the wound anymore!

All of this would be so much more stressful without your support. I would be fretting a lot more about the upcoming bill (which will probably be hefty), and a lot more upset than I already am that I couldn't update the comic. This patreon lets me focus entirely on healing, and that is a blessing beyond words. Thank you, you guys.

New & Upgrading Patrons

One of the things I'd like to do more often is greet and spotlight new additions to the community here, as well as thank those who have upped their pledges. I want to really put the emphasis on you, because without you, I'm not sure what I would do!

So without further ado, let's welcome some new folks!

Welcome to Connie Smith, Jasmine Snow, Elvis Martinez, Dalethmann, & Draco516 to the $1 tier! I hope you guys will soon enjoy seeing pages a week early! I look forward to showing you guys the end of this darn chapter.

Welcome to Daniel McNeil at the $10 tier! Have you caught up to the end of the buffer yet? 

Welcome to Elizabeth Sayed Ahmad at the $50 tier! I look forward to drawing your adorable Lizette into the comic! She's so cute!

And finally, thank you to Crooked Glasses for upgrading to the $50 tier! I have plans for Jentzen in Chapter 4. Looking forward to it!

See You Soon!

I hope you guys enjoyed this look back at February! It's nice to look back and see what sort of things happened, even when I'm laid up and sitting wonky.

One final note:

Are you going to be at Emerald City Comic Convention in March? I will be there for a day, maybe two, helping out Abigail Starling at her booth FF4. I'm not sure WHICH days yet, and it depends largely on how far along my healing is. But if you're around, I would love it if you stopped by and said hi!

That's all for now, folks! Party hardy!



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