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So as you can see, I'm going to be out of commission for a while. Tamberlane is hereby put on a break, all Patreon rewards are suspended, and will be returning as I'm able. I will probably be doing some sketches and stuff since I can doodle while lying down, and I'll post those up here on Patreon. (I've got some concept sketches for chapter 4 that would be fun to post.) But otherwise... expect silence from me.

If you want to keep up with my condition, I'll be posting on Twitter (@JustCaytlin). I'll probably try to use the hashtag #PixStatus.

If y'all need to drop, I totally understand. I'll hopefully see you guys later!! And if you stick around, thank you so much. Patreon helps pay for the med bills. If all goes well hopefully this will only be a month or so and then I can get back in the saddle. I'm dyin' to finish this dang chapter, man!!!

Thanks for your patience, guys!

And thank you so much to Neon Noble for taking my sketches and script and putting this comic together for me!!! It's really really great of him, and you should read his webcomic, Tales of Kalzeria



Gunny Waffle

You can count on me staying. Stay well and I hope you can heal well!


Oh my gosh, I hope you get better soon! That sounds completely horrible!


Oh noooo!!! My husband had the same surgery many years ago in the same spot (but heading north rather than south from the tail bone). His went...better than yours, but i remember how miserable he was during healing (it was gross but i didn't mind). I hope your body decides to behave and HEAL!! Sending you lots and lots of positive healing energies!!💖

Diana Greenhalgh

Hey, hope it heals quick <3 I know what its like to have a longterm wound/injury to heal :( I had shot you a couple messages on FB, but if you need me to pitch in artwise for anything (like if it would help to have an inker). Give me a shout. You know I'm always down for helping a friend <3


Oh golly... That sounds absolutely horrible... I know I'm absolutely loving this comic, but I want you to get well first! Please, take all the time you need to heal. I'll be waiting ever so patiently for you to feel better. Sending you all my love to you! ❤️

D. Stuart

Owwww. Not fun at all! Blessings on you and your hubby, dealing with this and getting better! Thanks for the posting, cute way to handle an unpleasant situation. Pretty sure your patrons will hang in there with you and keep you funded! We'll be here when you're ready to start up again! Meanwhile, prayers and good vibes your way. Get and stay better! Yours, Stubat


That's bad. Get well! You can do it.


I had to do the same surgery a couple of years ago, mine didn't have the problems yours did, but I remember the pain/discomfort of doing anything except lay down for almost a month, then as soon as that was healed I had spine surgery. I hope you get well soon and I hope the pain is minimal and manageable.

Stoker Bramwell

I understand completely. Get well soon okay? :/


Heal up and feel better! My funding level isn't much but it'll be staying right where it is so don't sweat it.


OH GOSH feel better!!! Hit me up if you need to chat or want more music

Richard V.

Get well soon :)


Ahh that’s no fun at all :( Sorry you have to go through that. But please don’t worry about tamberlane! Make sure you rest and heal first before you worry about any of that! Wishing you a fast recovery 💖


I'm slightly mad at you for drawing this comic when in this condition! Take all the recovery time you need until you're 100% again!

River 'Neon Noble' Nicolosi

It's okay! She drew the sketches in a notebook (in a comfortable position, I imagine) and I took care of the rest! Don't be mad at her! XD


Absolutely get well soon, nothing else matters at this point. <3


i m scarred))

Justin Burrous

As I said in a prior post, take all the time you need to get better. Your discomfort and health far outweigh what we want. If not working on the comic is bothersome though, you could consider sketching pages out to be completed at a later time when you are healthy. Keep in mind, I am not advising you to do this. Just something that could help you keep feeling productive if it really does bother you. Get well!


Thank you for the update. I hope you feel better and get well quickly. All the best!

Darque Hellmutt

Take care of YOU, Lady, and Tamberlane will take care of herself. We'll be here.

Leo G.

Sorry to hear about the troubles. Go take care of yourself and get better. We will still be here when you get better.


You take care of yourself. And I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers that you have a speedy recovery!