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November Status & Poll

  • Walter (Grampa Russian Deer) 13
  • Anthony (scaredy tuxedo cat) 10
  • Henry (the goofy police dog) 13
  • Penny (the flop-eared puppy toddler) 6
  • Sylvia (the fluffy catdog) 3
  • Jason (the dashing cat dad) 9
  • Captain Gillian (the gryphon captain) 8
  • Hattie & Artie (the twin bat children) 5
  • Isaiah (the black panther glassblower) 5
  • Tagg (the punk rock corgi) 9
  • Danger (the soft boi corgi) 4
  • 2018-11-02
  • —2018-11-05
  • 85 votes
{'title': 'November Status & Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Walter (Grampa Russian Deer)', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'Anthony (scaredy tuxedo cat)', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Henry (the goofy police dog)', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'Penny (the flop-eared puppy toddler)', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Sylvia (the fluffy catdog)', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Jason (the dashing cat dad)', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Captain Gillian (the gryphon captain)', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'Hattie & Artie (the twin bat children)', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Isaiah (the black panther glassblower)', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Tagg (the punk rock corgi)', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Danger (the soft boi corgi)', 'votes': 4}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 11, 5, 23, 30, 2, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 11, 2, 23, 11, 34, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 85}


Good afternoon, patrons! It's been a long time since one of these posts, hasn't it? I figured I'd take a moment to talk about everything going on and where everything stands.

Over the last six months or so, I've had a lot of health ups and downs and that led to getting way behind on a lot of stuff. Though my health hasn't really improved in any drastic way, I'm learning how to balance things better and i managed to get a LOT off my plate in the last month, which leaves me free to entirely focus on Patreon. Yay!

Over the last month, here's what I've managed to accomplish:

  • Finished all pending commissions
  • Caught up on all Patreon sketches
  • Caught up on all delinquent postcards
  • Built up my comic page buffer again
  • Did some new character Q&A strips
  • Did March's overdue character sheet & drabble
  • Thumbnailed all remaining pages in Chapter 3
  • Begun writing Chapter 4

And possibly more. I'm pretty proud and happy, and much less stressed about work now. I've got to knock out the couple of pending Marie-tier character designs and then I'll REALLY be caught up!

Still, it's a new month, which means...

... it's time to officially remind you all to do your duties! 

If you're looking for access to your rewards, you can find all necessary links on the Patrons Only page on the site!

If you want to ask the characters a question, I have made a new Trello for submitting questions! The link is here; you'll need to be a member of the Patrons team, which you can join here if you haven't already. 

$50+ people, please submit your November sketch request to the Patron Queue Trello! I'll do them all next week.

Other than that, everyone vote on the poll for the next character you'd like to see added to the cast page! You are welcome to choose as many as you want; the top 3 will be chosen for the next three months' cast page entries.

Thank you all for your support and patience. You guys have really made it possible for me to continue making Tamberlane through chronic pain and fatigue. I literally could not do this without you. <3

PS, speaking of voting, make sure to vote in your local elections!


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