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 Species: Megabat
Gender: Female
Age: 29
Occupation: Cook and Gardner of the Jumpin' Guppy
Family: Gillian (adoptive Father)

Winnie has always been exceptionally tall and gangly, with giant wings and giant arms and giant ears that are all easy to trip over or bang on things. She tries to make herself as small as possible, and unfortunately it doesn't work. Still, she's found a long-term home on the Jumpin' Guppy under the care of Captain Gillian.

 Winnie first appeared on page 122


"Back straight, Winnie ol' girl," Gillian said, smacking her lower back with a heavy thump of his tail. The bat straightened like a shot, trying to stir a little faster. "Yes, sir."

A wet cough sounded through the cabin, and Winnie found herself hunching again, only to be corrected once more.

"It's not contagious," Gillian reminded her in an undertone. "We don't have to worry, eh?"

"Yes, sir," Winnie replied softly. She couldn't help but look over at the pair huddled in the guest area. They were bats, though not bats like her. (Few bats were bats like her.) One of them looked so pale and sickly, she could barely stand to look at her. 

They were forbidden from telling anyone they made these trips. Winnie wasn't sure if it was necessarily illegal, but it wasn't something other creatures would look fondly on. Gillian had drilled that into her head from an early age. She didn't like these trips, honestly. Mortality is a hard thing to confront as a teenager.

"Eyes forward," Gillian growled, and Winnie focused on the stew pot once more.



Wilford B. Wolf

So adding to the mystery of Follybrook, now there's a question of where the Jumpin' Guppy goes, and why it shouldn't. Again "abroad" suggests itself.

Stoker Bramwell

Oh no oh no oh no I love her oh no oh gosh oh heck oh no


Hey, it's my Waffles! You did a great job integrating Wallflower into your world, Caytlin, she looks amazing.